Join us this Friday, October 2nd, for pre-packaged dinner to eat safely distanced, outdoors. Then we will learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival, and have a presentation about grief.
Many people find that due to COVID-19, they have lost some things that have caused them great sadness; things like, freedom, opportunities, personal contact with loved ones, for example. Come learn about, and discuss, how to identify if you may be dealing with grief, and ways to minimize the sadness and disappointment that often comes with grief.
If you are unable to attend in-person, you can join us for the presentation and discussion, starting around 7:15, on Zoom: https://asu.zoom.us/j/8845710930
Please let us know you are coming and if you have any food requirements by going here.
ASU has a new requirement to track attendance of all club activities. Please follow these instructions to get your individual Event Pass QR code on your phone by logging into SunDevilSync. Then you will be ready to check in when you arrive.
Please come with the expectation of wearing a face mask and maintaining a save distance from others. If you find you are not feeling well on Friday, please join us on Zoom instead of in-person, this time. ASU has more information about COVID-19, here: https://eoss.asu.edu/health/announcements/coronavirus
Direct any questions to grads@BridgesASU.club
Please wear a face mask and be prepared to observe safe distancing. Hand sanitizer will be available.