Here you are in your new dorm or apartment. When you look around your apartment, all you see are the things you brought from home in your suitcase and all those expensive text books you just spent half your money on. No bed. No place to sit. No blankets (Yes, you will need one in Arizona!). No dishes or pans. In your dorm, you at least have a bed, but maybe not much more. No towels or sheets or dishes. And everything costs so much! Well, my friend, we can HELP!
In America, we buy much of what we need at thrift stores or second-hand stores. “Thrift” means saving money. “Second-hand” means someone else owned it already. Instead of throwing away good things that we don’t need any more, we give them to one of these stores. Thrift stores sell the items at a very reduced rate. Sometimes they even have big sales where you can buy what you need very inexpensively. These stores often use the profits to help a charity. Usually the clothing is in good condition. Sometimes the furniture needs to be cleaned or painted, but it is still a good bargain.
Some of the stores near ASU campus are Savers [link], Gracie’s [link], and Goodwill [link]. These are the most popular. If you google “second-hand stores,” you might find some others. These stores have clothing, backpacks, shoes, “linens” (blankets, sheets and towels), dishes, pans and pots, and FURNITURE!
If you are looking for some good brand-name clothing, you could also try Buffalo Exchange [link] on University.
If you need some furniture and want help to get it home, please contact us []. If one of us is available, we will bring our car or truck to help you.
Sometimes we plan special thrift store days when our volunteers and staff will meet you and take you to these stores in our cars and trucks.
Happy Bargain Hunting!